The Roamin' Roman

Benvenuto! You have happened upon the blog of a wandering Catholic American college student studying for a year in Rome, the Eternal City. You will find here my pontifications, ruminations, reflections, images, and ponderings on my life in Rome. Ciao!

Monday, November 7

Inside St. Prassade's they have kept a relic of the scourging pillar of Christ, though today this is being questioned since the pillar is very small and would seem to be too ornate for a scourging pillar (plus, there is another claimed scourging pillar in Jerusalem, which might make more sense) - in any case, fascinating to see, and it has been a site of pilgrimage for the faithful for hundreds and hundreds of years - and isn't that the true point of the idea of a relic anyway, to remind us of our faith and call us to a deeper conversion to God?


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